Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Organised pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela


Viajeros Canallas was born from the dream of a traveller, our founder, Alberto Lence, and to create a project for a group of strangers from all over Spain to travel and enjoy themselves as if they were friends.

Alberto has done the Camino de Santiago 14 times on foot adding up to more than 4,400 kilometres before starting this project, which has made him a total lover of the Camino de Santiago and now gives talks in schools and associations throughout Spain.

It is a trip where you will only have to worry about walking and enjoying yourself and where everything will be perfectly organised, from hostels, restaurants, and of course recommendations and tips.

The French Camino de Santiago in group is a unique experience, thanks to which, in Viajeros Canallas, from a personal project, we are now a great team made up of 7 colleagues including monitors, management and customer service.

Years of experience
Leading company of the Camino de Santiago
Organised Groups


There are more than 175 groups organised on the Camino de Santiago and here we leave you a small sample of the more than 9,500 travellers who have done the Camino de Santiago with us, including the French Way, the Portuguese Way and the Primitive Way.


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